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Everyday Ben wakes up with spasms of terror bracing him against something in his house, something at war with him.  Convinced his home witnessed a horrific tragedy, Ben wades through fifty years of buried secrets, that need a voice.  Ben Needham surrenders his life to a supernatural terrorist invading his home and ripping out its soul. A murder, a cover-up, and a poltergeist hungry for justice keeps Ben's team of paranormalists in a war to find justice, truth and lost love.


If you adventure into hybrid-genres, or fusion genres, 'Someone Died In My House' brings you into Ben Needham's war with a merciless home invasion of the ghostly kind.  Once you hook into Ben's journey, into the tragic history of his house, your empathy will experience sharp awakenings to unexpected soul-driven power and love - lost, buried, and reborn.  What's a thriller without that balance between cold-hearted murder and warm-hearted love!


'Soul-driven stories are only as mind-bending as the characters in them. Characters demand your full commitment to their world that becomes yours.  When writing conscious-expanding fiction, with layered trauma, and inescapable tragedy, you have to live in the heart of it, and that becomes your reality, your world until the work is finished.  At that point, like your readers, you don’t soon forget the power your characters had over you.'


Someone Died In My House
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New Hybrid/Thriller, ‘Someone Died in My House”, Throws Readers into a War with Warriors of the Unexplained Kind



 Pensacola, FL   January 15, 2024


With her latest thriller, Someone Died In My House, author Meg Howald takes us into the darkest of wars, a war between the living and a power beyond.  A power that comes home to collect what it lost.  Everyday Ben wakes up with spasms of terror bracing him against something in his house, something at war with him.  Convinced his home witnessed a horrific tragedy, Ben wades through fifty years of buried secrets, that need a voice.  Ben Needham surrenders his life to a supernatural terrorist invading his home and ripping out its soul. A murder, a cover-up, and a poltergeist hungry for justice keeps Ben's team of paranormalists in a war to find justice, truth and lost love. review of "Someone Died In My House" by Meg Howald


‘The book was an enthralling read, and there was nothing that I disliked. The storyline, a tapestry woven with elements of horror, history, and romance, provided a rich reading experience. Each aspect seamlessly intertwined, creating a captivating blend that kept me thoroughly engrossed from start to finish.’

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