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As I write, Elizabeth Bowen's words have stayed with me:  'Characters are not created by writers.  They pre-exist and have to be found.'


As a novelist and screenplay writer, my story idea always hits like a severe weather alert, then kidnaps me into its world until I write my characters' stories. I don't know the characters in advance.  They pop up or drop down, but they never leave me.


World Castle Publishing released my novel, Someone Died In My House in January 2024 - such a great team to work with.  I was thrilled to receive Literary Titan's Fiction Award.  Thanks for loving the book.


My novels, Kovu and When Bones Call Out, are in the editing process.


Racial and cultural diversity drive my passion for personal talk, for the language of all arts, the language of nature, the language of emotion, body language, and unspoken language.


Here's what I tell my creative writing students:  Soul-driven stories are only as mind-bending as the characters in them. Characters demand your full commitment to their world that becomes yours.  When writing conscious-expanding fiction, with layered trauma, and inescapable tragedy, you have to live in the heart of it, and that becomes your reality, your world until the work is finished.  At that point, like your readers, you don’t soon forget the power your characters had over you.




Meet Ben Needham, graphic novelist, dad.  Ben's house declared war against the unknown - an energy of relentless power and desperation.  A presence reaching into Ben's soul for help.


Meet Dr. Rose Henhawke, geo-physicist, paranormalist, object token reader.  Rose and her team do a sweep of Ben's house - an invesitgation that leaves Rose humbled by the power that demands resurrection.

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